We help Nigerian researchers become visible and accessible to the global research community, collaborate with colleagues from around the world, and give them knowledge they need to access funding.
We host, manage and promote Nigerian Journals online, with the aim of making the journal attain reputable ranking as an impact factor journal as this directly and indirectly improves the reputation of the journal and its affiliate institution.
We seek to promote the rich content of Nigerian intellectual works, as this is of immense benefit to students, researchers, Universities, governments and business across Africa and the world at large.
Aphriapub works in partnership with Universities across Nigeria, the Nigerian research community and librarians to publish and promote Nigerian journals worldwide.
Contact UsAphriaPUB provides information and analytics that help institutions, businesses, government agencies and professionals progress science, advance healthcare, improve performance and make better strategic decisions.
We thrive on new challenges and are at our best when a project is technically or logistically demanding and requires smart planning.